Sylvia Frain
The Everyday Peace Initiative

About Me

I am a United States citizen and Aotearoa New Zealand permanent resident and have been living, studying, and working in Oceania for over twenty years. I am guided by my "kuleana" within the US Affiliated Pacific Islands and am dedicated to intersectional efforts of decolonisation and demilitarisation.

I earned my PhD in Peace Studies with a doctoral scholarship from The National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago in 2017. I have worked in academia, as a program manager for community development, and in diplomacy for the US State Department in Public Affairs for the US Mission in New Zealand.

I have produced creative and community-centered resources and have organized Oceanic gatherings to ensure alternative forms of knowledge and diverse perspectives are included. My doctoral thesis, created in collaboration with the women in the Marianas Archipelago in Micronesia who are resisting the United States military, is available as a free e-book on the University of Guam’s Guampedia platform.

How can I support you?

I am committed to creative, community-centered practices and contribute to scholarly discourses, and support knowledge about Oceanic historic and contemporary nuclear imperialisms and efforts for denuclearisation.
I currently manage the research-oriented Facebook page, Oceania Resistance. Please get in touch!

Projects & activities

A Second Sun: The Legacies of Nuclear Imperialisms across Oceania
·       Centre digital photo-filmic technologies and Oceanic storytelling methods as forms of visual nuclear justice that connect nuclear legacies with ongoing environmental issues. ·       Produce...

my research

(De)militarisation, (De)colonisation, Oceania, Micronesia, Peace Studies, Visual Methods, Filmmaking

Oceania Resistance: Digital autoethnography in the Marianas Archipelago
Frain, S. C. (2020). Oceania Resistance: Digital autoethnography in the Marianas Archipelago. In Wayfinding and Critical Autoethnography (pp. 117-130). Routledge.
Frain, S. C. (2016). Resisting-Political-Colonization-and-American-Militarization-in-the-Marianas-Archipelago. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 12(3), 298-315.
Images of Empire and Visualizing Resistance in Guam (Guåhan)
Frain, S.C. Images of Empire and Visualizing Resistance in Guam (Guåhan)
“Fanohge Famalåo’an & Fan’tachu Fama’lauan": Women Rising! Indigenous Resistance to Militarization in the Marianas Archipelago
Frain, S. C. (2017). Fanohge Famalåo'an and Fan'tachu Fama'lauan: Indigenous Resistance to Militarization in the Marianas Archipelago: a Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (Doctoral dissertation, University of Otago).
Conducting Women-Centered (Re)search as Resistance in Micronesia
Frain, S. C., Conducting Women-Centered (Re)search as Resistance in Micronesia. Micronesian Educator

my media